
Eliminating Discrimination

In the late 1990's and early 2000's opposing efforts to legalize or ban same-sex civil marriage made it a topic of debate all over the world. In 2001, the Netherlands was the first country to allow same-sex marriage. At present, same-sex marriages are also recognised in Belgium, Canada, South Africa, and Spain.

As the quest for tolerance and the fight against discrimination moves on I have made it my personal mission to join the fight.
As a society that is serious about discrimination, we hereby demand that Major league baseball do away with the following:

1. The double-play: This is clearly discrimination against slow runners.

2. The Curve Ball: Obviously unfair to those who are batting.
3. The Home Run: Players are under so much pressure that they have no choice but to inject eachother in the bum bums with needles full of steroids. The results are small brains and tiny penises.

4. Stealing bases: Clearly religious discrimination against those whose religious practices disallow such conduct. Ex. Thou shalt not steal (The Bible).

5. The Strike Out: Cleary discriminates against those who need another chance. Criminal's are even given a chance at parole, while those who play baseball are forced to take a "walk of shame" back to the dugout where they will be ignored and ostracized for their failure. This will ultimately end in low self esteem which leads to depression and then suicide.

Please sign the petition below and join the fight for tolerance and end discrimination against the most vulnerable of our society.


Jash said...

shawn...all i have to say is if u came up with that yourself....wow. thats brilliant.

Jonas said...

thank you my good man.