
Blame Africa

In the Western World, "black" is most often used with a negative connotation. Think about it...

The black plague, blackmail , black ice, black tuesday, the black cat, black sheep, and perhaps most notably the black lung (Remember that part in Zoolander when Derek goes home to his family and after working in the coal mines tells his father "I think I'm getting the Black Lung, Pop. It's not very well ventilated down there. .")
This winter why can't "white ice" be responsible for car accidents? We always refer to ice as this colour when it's not causing car accidents. Let's be a little bit more intelligent this year and get past our blackisms.


Anonymous said...

Black is dark and people are afraid of darkness.. I think this is the deal..

Jash said...

im afraid of things that are white. im not gonna name any in particular.