
Charlie : Candy Mountain

quite possibly one of the funniest things ever.


Jesus Knows All

One of multiple videos created by a church called Vintage 21.
See them all here


Barbies and Bo Staffs

Were you playing with Barbies too?

Jesus Christ Action Figure

Haha. Peed my pants... again.


Transformers Theme

Born in the 80's?
Grew up with The Transformers?
Going to see the movie?
Like MuteMath?
Click Here!


Brick Outtake

Watch this and just try not to laugh.

"We Love You Ron"

Never saw this until today...
Then I peed my pants.


Quite possibly the best part of the Stanley Cup Finals

Sad, isn't it, that a celebrity is the best part of a sporting event? (Fault lies with the NHL for letting the finals go back to clutch-and-grab hockey!)


The Church and Banana-Coloured Unitards Pt. 2

Just for fun.... this article will be published on www.theooze.com on June 22. Join the conversation there and mess with peoples heads. I'm expecting people to defend the church and suggest reasons why people should attend. In turn I hope to steer the conversation to Jesus... who instead of expecting people to come, expects US to GO!