
AD250 or AD2005?

"There is no honesty in business,
and no justice in the law.
Art and morals are both declining.
Cruelty and lust are regarded as entertaining.
The smell of death is everywhere, and yet,
no one stops to remember the warning of his own morality.
- Cyprian of Carthage AD250.
Comforted to see that nothing has changed.


DSW said...

Ive toyed with the idea of writing a book..
One of the ideas for the content of that particular text is along the lines of these kinds of letters, notes, poems, phrases, etc. that extend beyond the isolated sphere of religion. Ex. social justice beyond the Christian and Muslim world view.

Just to show the world that people were idiots then and we still are today. Maybe that should be the title, "idiots then... idiots today"...
Then after its a success I'll introduce a new re-vised edition to make more money and add one chapter entitled "idiots tomorow" just so I can fit in with money grabbing publishers.

Good post.

Hugs and kiss.

Jonas said...

This post is for all those people who believe that were actually progressing as a society.