
Welcome to the World of Pure Imagination- Innaugural Post

A long time ago a young boy had a dream to make the world a better place. A planet where children were given the possibility to experience a greater life because of the dreams this man could make come true. This man never won a Nobel Peace Prize or was considered responsible for any global social movements. Nevertheless, it is true... 1 man can change the world. In our age of cynical criticism and doubt you may think that we are liars. But our hearts tell us that the world is indeed a better place because of Willy Wonka. Where would we be without the everlasting gobstopper? Journey with us as we passionately discover other great people and things about our world... a world of pure imagination.


Jash said...

willy wonkas like my fictional hero yo.

Jonas said...

He's not fictional!

Jash said...

well then he isnt my hero because your my hero.

Jax said...

i know, where would we be without the precious gobstopper..

Jonas said...

Gobstoppers can cure leprosy.