
platypus, puddles, and grumps

My platypus is better then yours.
My platypus is the strongest of all.
So take your platapus elsewhere,
Or my platypus will eat your platypus

A friend told me to write about platapuses. The only platupus I know is the animal platypus. I had to check how to spell it and it's definetley not platapus or platupus. I fixed my spelling in the pointless section.

The spelling of a word is really quite irrelevent as long as people can determine what you mean to say. Though technically it weakens the strength of your argument/what you want to say if your grammar and spelling are terrible and people noticably see it and think your stupid - hence the ruining. None of this matters though because people think I'm stupid already since I'm writing about platypuses. I don't mind; life goes on. That's deep, like a puddle.

Puddles are created when there is a hole or crevise in the ground and it fills with water. The status of puddles is really quite unique because although people find much fun and love in puddles there is also a lot of hate for them. A few different ways you can find fun and love in puddles are jumping in them (fun), spraying people as you drive (fun), and putting your coat down for some nice girl and hitting it off (love).

Some people hate puddles. Many of these people have generic reasons such as "I'm dressed nice" or "Being wet is uncomfortable", but many people are just plain stupid and think its immature to use puddles for there amusement. These people I like to call grumps.

The dictionary defines grumps as "a cranky complaining person." Being a grump is a sin. The world used to be full of grumps. Then God flooded the earth and wiped all of them out. He'd do it again, but he promised never to do it again. I'm sure he had good reason for the promise, but I sure wouldn't have minded if he hadn't promised and he decided to wipe all grumps off the earth again......tomorow would be a great day


Jonas said...

I think I read that bit about grumps and floods in the Bible.

Jash said...

yea you did. i forgot to put that bit in.