
My Hero

Wow. This guy is my new hero. James Van Iveren (39), who lives with his mother, says he took matters into his own hands because he didn't have a phone to call police. What exactly Mr. Van Iveren did was run upstairs and hack through his neighbours door with a giant sword because he thought that a girl was being raped in the man's apartment. In reality though the neighbour was watching porn and Mr. Van Iveren is in a lot of doo-doo.

Van Iveren was charged with criminal trespass, criminal damage and disorderly conduct, all while using a dangerous weapon, and is scheduled to appear in court March 5. Together, the misdemeanor counts carry a maximum sentence of 33 months in jail.

Story found here.

1 comment:

Jash said...

haha it would have been funnier if he had stabbed the guy.