
Charlton Heston Ain't Got Nothin on Lego Moses

If you enjoy reading your bible or like stories from the bible in general and wish they had pictures, this is for you.

If you watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and thought the Lego reenactment of the Knights of the Round Table song was pretty funny, you may find this amusing.

If you own at least one of the Star Wars Lego video games, you'll more than likely enjoy a chuckle at this.

It's an entire site dedicated to the creation of "The Brick Bible". Essentially the bible with Lego people pictures and some amusing speech bubbles.

Move over Comic Bible.

Visit here: www.thebricktestament.com (caution may contain pictures of extreme lego violence)

Added Bonus: The Camelot song from Monty Python

I apologize if any of this has been previously posted. Enjoy.

1 comment:

judas said...

That is straight up crazy!