
Brand New - Welcome to Bangkok @ koolhaus, toronto


So about 19 people got on stage (all members of Colour Revolt,Anathallo, and Brand New) to perform a 10 minute version of Welcome to Bangkok. Highlights included:
1. a guy on stage playing a piece of watermelon with drum sticks.
2. Jesse from Brand New getting hit in the head with a foreign object and being carried off stage.

3. A guy running around with no shirt and a raccoon hat with ears on.

4. A guy playing drums with his head inside the drum.

5. A bunch of stacked cabinents falling on top on a guy from Colour Revolt.

6. About $15,000 worth of musical instruments needlessly destroyed in a period of time which is shorter than it takes for some people to take a dump.

CRAZY! We missed you Adam.

1 comment:

Program Information said...

FRIG! i wish i could have been there... jobs suck. i want to stick it to the man.