
The Odds Of Death

After reading Judas' post on vending machines i wondered what the odds were of dying. Here are some of them.....

Odds of Dying of External Causes of Injury - 1 in 22
(ex. car crash, shot, plane...ANYTHING UNNATURAL)

Odds of Dying from a Motor Vehicle Accident - 1 in 100

Odds of Dying from an Air Travel Accident - 1 in 20,000

Odds of Dying from a Dog Attack - 1 in 147,717

Odds of Dying from Asteroid Impact - 1 in 500,000

Odds of Dying from Fireworks Discharge - 1 in 615,488

Odds you'll kill yourself - 1 in 121

Check some more out here and here.


Jash said...

im not liking the suicide odds

DSW said...

fo real, them suicide odds are high.

that scares me too.

Jonas said...

Santa isnt dead! Right?