
Facebook Fad

Facebook has stormed the world converting even the strongest myspace haters into facebook believers. Don't believe me? Ask Jonas. He's a living convert. Anyways, M4M now has a super wicked crazy awesome facebook group that i expect everybody to join. Yes, I just said super wicked crazy awesome (it's that good). So just search for "Minutes for Memories" under groups and it'll come up. I expect you all to join (repeated). Especially Nunavut.


Jonas said...

I wish Nunvut would facebook my mom!

DSW said...

Sorry man I am in rebellion against Facebook and will not give in.

First it was IRQ, then ICQ, then Aimbot, then MSN Messenger, then Yahoo Messenger, then ICQ/Aimbot/MSN/Yahoo online profiles, then Myspace, and now... Facebook.

When will it bloody end?

Jonas said...

I refused to give in too... but facebook actually makes sense while those other things were largely for douchebags. You should get hooked up at least to be part of the M4M Facebook community. The membership is at like 20 and growing. Be a team player dammit and convert already!

DSW said...

Just give them my messenger contact.

And besides all this "caring" about the M4M community assumes that I actually care.

Wait, you're right, you guys are my only friends * sob * sob * I wish I could be Jonas in real life...