Deep Reflection
The other day I found myself thinking deeply about a few serious issues in life. The most notable of these was, "What would happen if Sideshow Bob and Jack Osborne had a love child?" My quest led me far and near... here, there, and everywhere... until I found the the very product of that lovefest for myself.
Visit here to view the product of my tenuous research.
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i havent watched american idol once yet. ill probably watch around the finale-ish area. i havent heard the son of sideshow/osborne sing, but i dont care...i want him to lose.
He sang mutemath and dc talk already.
never put it together how look-a-like the idol dude is to jack osborne. being old school, i went with Flo of Flo & Eddie aka Phlorescent Leech & Eddie aka The Turtles. Then again Fat Freddie comes to mind.
I found a comparison of Ottawa Senator's Daniel Alfredsson and Carrot Top.
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