
Lost in Translation

The Following is the Top Ten Unitentionally Bad Website Adresses:

1. www.whorepresents.com
"Who Represents" where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity

2. www.expertsexchange.com
"Experts Exchange" where programmers can exchange advice and views

3. www.penisland.net
"Pen Island" for all your pen needs--and that's it. Got it?

4. www.therapistfinder.com
"The Therapist Finder." Hmmmm.

5. www.powergenitalia.com
"Power Gen Italia," the Italian Power Generator company. I wonder if they link to www.penisland.com? Bad. Joke.

6. www.molestationnursery.com
"Mole Station Native Nursery" in New South Wales

7. www.ipanywhere.com
"IP Anywhere" for your computer software needs (and only those needs)

8. www.cummingfirst.com
"First Cumming Methodist Church"

9. www.speedofart.com
"Speed of Art" designers

10. www.gotahoe.com
"Go Tahoe" holiday brochure website


Jash said...


its about boys playing. honest.

check her out.



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