Quote of the Day - 100th Post!!!!!!!
"Sometimes i wonder why we call it Christianity instead of Paulinity because we tend to focus so much on letters Paul wrote to a bunch of dysfunctional churches instead of the gospels"
-Rev. Ray Aldred (from my retreat!)
p.s. the pictures arent working for me. bummer b/c i had a good one of paul.
Yeah Paul gets a pretty primary place in Western Christianity. Likely because of...
1. Audience: His emphasis to the gentiles (us).
2. Chronology: He did write his letters before the gospels.
3. Preservation: The guy wrote the majority of the NT we have today.
4. There's a million more reasons too. Either way... when you think about it really, both the gospels and paul are indispensible, and there is no right or wrong to emphasizing either.
i still liked the quote. ha.
Plus Paul is the guy who emphasizes speaking in tongues. Where as Pentecostals would we be without them scripture verses...
they could still use Acts... written by Luke. DAMMIT!! Now I look like a "knowitall Asshole".
there you go. jonas has proved it. pentecostals could survive without dysfunctional letters....but they definetely do help. ha. that sounds funny. dysfunctional letters helping and all.
We knowitalls.
Luke writes about what happened when they got baptised.
Paul is the one who says things like:
earnestly seek the gifts of the Spirt AND i speak in tongues more than all of you...
Those are the ones we pentecostals like.
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