
Official Movie Review: The Pursuit of Happyness

This movie surprised me a lot and I'm actually a little upset that I didn't see it in the theatre (I watched it for free online). Not only was the movie actually worth the $10.95 for the bigscreen, it would have done all of the stunts and action scenes a lot more justice.

The movie starts off with a man and his son who are really poor. The dad (The Fresh Prince) needs to find a way to make money so that he and his son don't become homeless. Before you know it these alien robots (kind of like Transformers) swoop onto Earth from outer space. The dad quickly then becomes the hero as he finds a way to kill the robot aliens with Rubik's Cubes. The dad sells this inside information to the government and he and his son soon become millionaires.

Sadly, they soon piss away all of their fortune on malt liquor and chronic. They are then forced to sell their Impala (which is sittin on 20's) to avoid being homeless again.
Overall, the acting was really good and the plot was believable. I give The Pursuit of Happyness 3.5 out of 5 Optimus Primes!

1 comment:

Jash said...

i dont know what part of your review to take seriously. ha.