the christianity i hate

This is why Christianity has more in common with Adolph Hitler then it ever will Jesus.
Watch this trailer and feel free to throw something at the monitor or at least the local compatible charismatic church.
THe face of that kid is terrifying ofr some reason!!
Im so scared I cant even type properly.
Im actually too scared to go to bed now after going to the website and watching all the videos. All i can here is little children screaming "righteoud judes" and hearing that lady yell "this means war!!"
hmmm. i watched it and i think that it probably was ment to have a good purpose in the begining. like even at the beginning of the trailer it was empowering, but towards the end they changed it and warped it into some brainwashing camp and some political thing that was totally unnecessary. they took words and stuff that nonchristians don't understand and made it seem grossly fanatic and crazy . probably in the hopes of provoking people to go see the movie, but id be kinda terrified if i had no idea what was going on... seeing bunch of kids in one scene withfacepaint screaming and the next shaking on the ground is kinda weird if u have no clue whats happening.
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