
Muzak For The Masses

Two new bands that I found this morning while I should have been studying for midterms are Aereogramme (Post-Rock, pictured on the left) and Page France (Indie, Folk, pictured above). Both bands have really different styles but do have something to offer thats much better than Celine Dion (who sucks). Oh, and if you like the music please support the artist. Don't be a freeloader douchebag.

Visit their MySpace pages to listen to some audio:

Aereogramme: http://www.myspace.com/aereogrammeofficial

Page France: http://www.myspace.com/pagefrance

Or even download a cd:
Aereogramme: http://www.f-forge.com?d=D35HuJLnA9xia1NFVs4o
Page France : http://rapidshare.de/files/29813900/page_france_-_pear.zip


Jash said...

i don't like the first band too much, but im listening to pagefrance and im liking it. the junkyard song is nice.

Jonas said...

Hey, I bet giving away free music on our website is a great way to get people to read our crap! What a foolproof plan eh?