
Pics to Polaroids

Now you can magically convert any of your digital pics into polaroids. For those who miss that old school white edging around your photos, click here to convert.

Save the Bunny!

You've only got so long to complete the task... or else!


Take the Lust Test

Are you guilty of the sin of lust?
Take the test here
I scored 50% which apparently makes me a perve.....ha

7 Deadly Sins

This site lists and goes over the 7 deadly sins.
My favorites are....
Lust --> Why do you do it? Oh please.
Anger --> Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be dismembered alive.
Check it out here


Random Odds

Odds of being an astronaut: 13,200,000 to 1 (sorry kids)
Odds of getting a hole in one: 5,000 to 1 (sorry tiger)
Odds of finding out your child is a genius: 250 to 1 (sorry parents)
Odds of getting away with murder: 2 to 1 (sorry jonas)
Odds of dating a supermodel: 88,000 to 1 (sorry shallow dude)
Odds of being considered possessed by Satan:7,000 to 1 (sorry satan)
Odds of becoming a saint: 20,000,000 to 1 (sorry priests)

Check out more stats here!

There is hope for us!

According to a recent study your intelligence has nothing to do with your overall wealth. The average income difference between a person with an IQ score in the normal range (100) and someone in the top two percent of society (130) is currently between 6,000 and 18,500 dollars per year (thats a pay difference not a wealth difference). But when it came to total wealth and the likelihood of financial difficulties, people of below average and average intelligence did just fine when compared to the super-intelligent.

So yea, if your stupid and you happen to be into money....theres hope. The Article is here.

Let's Deposit a Horse

Too drunk to go home, but stuck with your horse? No worries, visit your bank!
Full story here


It's the time, of the season for loving!

Wow...I don't even have words.......................nope I got nothing!

The Odds Of Death

After reading Judas' post on vending machines i wondered what the odds were of dying. Here are some of them.....

Odds of Dying of External Causes of Injury - 1 in 22
(ex. car crash, shot, plane...ANYTHING UNNATURAL)

Odds of Dying from a Motor Vehicle Accident - 1 in 100

Odds of Dying from an Air Travel Accident - 1 in 20,000

Odds of Dying from a Dog Attack - 1 in 147,717

Odds of Dying from Asteroid Impact - 1 in 500,000

Odds of Dying from Fireworks Discharge - 1 in 615,488

Odds you'll kill yourself - 1 in 121

Check some more out here and here.



So I was browsing some statistics (American) and stumbled upon this lovely...13 people each year are killed by Vending Machine's falling on them. There it is...death by vending machine. Now I know we've all seen the Homer Simpson clip where he struggles with the vending machine, but how determined (or desperate) are these brave souls who wrestle with the injustice of having to pay a machine for a small snack item. I can say this much about them; Vending machine 13...fat hungry guys 0.

the saga continues....

so......this weeks action in the war of racism brought to you by Don Imus and Al Sharpton. my question: is there a right way to handle something like this?

obviously Imus should not have said what he did - but to be fair, his comments were not inherently racist. the fact that he said them regarding a team comprised of black athletes is what made them racist in the eyes of the beholders. if he had said the same thing about a team of white athletes, would the reaction be the same? or would this not even be a blip on the media radar (remember, he was a shock jock to begin with)? is the problem for Don Imus that he is racist? or that American society is way too sensitive?

let's not forget that Al Sharpton's words, rather than help bring some desperately needed reconciliation, turned what was a pinprick into a gaping wound. are his actions, which perpetuate racism in America by blowing it out of proportion, acceptable? or should he also be held accountable for his words?

let me know what you think.

on a completely uncontroversial note, hello to everyone. i'm the newbie. i promise i'll post more links to help you waste time (the internet is so cool that way). until then, semper ubi sub ubi!


Any comments about the new layout?

Plus, one of Jash's friends has been sent an invite to become a contributor... be on the lookout for a new member.

Making the Typical Video

Mute Math - Typical

One of the craziest band videos I have ever seen. They sing backwards....the drummer plays backwards....its all...backwards.....

I'm going to post the making of, if I can find it.

Dear "Cancerous-Tumor" in my friend,

This is what I think of you.

Stop killing my friend.
That is all.


Miss USA 2007 is...........

Mark my words... this poo pirate goes home this week. This is prophetic.

Trouble Paying Rent?

Don't fall behind on your rent with this landlord, or she will straight up kick your ass!


It's hard to believe, but it's finally here. We have officially reached our 200th post! Congrats on the not-so-hard-work... and cheers to all the culture bashing and laughs we've had thus far!

Comments About Church in Comic Form

Or maybe about some church leaders.


Stroumboulopoulos interviews Tony Campolo

I like George.

I like Tony.

Here's the two together.

Take the time to watch it... it's about real world issues.

Can Gays be Cured?

This is a big issue and this video will probably raise more questions than answers. No closure here.

Who Who Who?


Borat - Speaking in tongues

What do you guys think about this?

Do you laugh?
Do you cry?
Do you even care?

The Skinny on Rubbin' It Out

The Good Reverend ran the numbers and proved that this cannot be true:
Click Here for the "Truth"

Game Time.

A game in which you have to catch Superman on film to proceed to the next level. I scored a 79.



Probably the funniest thing I have ever read.

Click Here.

Every Eminem Song Ever in One


Enjoy Wasting Your Time!!

I made it to level 47. If you can get to level 50, i want to know how!!!

Play Here.


Welcome Olly

I just typed in "welcome" in youtube to find a clever video to welcome our second female star to M4M (Jonas being the first). This is what came up; Rowan Atkinson Live: Welcome to Hell. How fitting.

Welcome Olly.


Treadmill Superheroes

Do you approach treadmills with fear and trepidation? Have no fear, OK Go is here!

This is officially one of the funniest videos I have ever seen, and has, by far, the best treadmill antics ... Enjoy!

Slouchers Unite!

A recent study has shown that sitting upright at a 90 degree angle can cause strain to your lower lumbar discs...in other words, lower back pain. In fact leaning back with a 'slight slouch' is supposed the be the best position when sitting. So go ahead and buy the la-z-boy you've always dreamed of and remeber to slouch whenever possible.


Mute Math: Flesh and Bones - Electric Fun

My apologies to all those who are still living in the dark ages... but MuteMath is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Their recent DVD release Flesh and Bones - Electric Fun is almost as fun as actually hitting up a concert and watching the guys improv on everything in the room. I've taken the time to rip the DVD audio so you dont have to. The cd ends up being an energetic, crowd involved, live performance, that makes you move.

Official Movie Review: 300

So its like 1:30 am and I just finished watching 300 (online of course). This is gonna be brief because I'm so tired so bare with me. I'm trying not to be irrational because my imput is still so fresh having just finished the flick, so I will review with restraint in mind.
With that said, this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Absolute crap from beginning to end. The movie literally has no value. Plot: crap. Narration: crap. Character development: crap. Costumes: HA! Crap (they're practically naked the whole movie). Overall impression: absolute crap.
I never read reviews before I watch any of these movies, but I wasn't surprised when I just took a jump over to Rotten Tomatoes and discovered how many other people thought this movie sucked.
One critic wrote: "The stylized action, set to crunching guitar riffs, feels suffocating in its artificiality. The dialogue comes cribbed from T-shirt slogans (real men wear crimson!) and Bruce Springsteen songs (no retreat, no surrender!). Women exist either to writhe around naked (frat boys confused by the way Snyder's camera ogles the men can take solace in Xerxes' frenzied lesbians) or act tough like a Spartan man, minus the sweat.
Please, as a society that values good entertainment to forget the reality of our meaningless materialistic North American live's... can we forget that this movie ever existed and banish it to the trash bin of history along with The Four Feathers, Barber Shop, and Monster's Ball.


Kapanen "What's my name... What's my name..."


This Man Will Eat Your Babies

Interactive Horoscope

When your grandma wanted to learn something about her future, she had to leaf through the friggin paper to read some crap that some junior journalist threw together the night before.... all the while oblivious to the fact that the cheap ink from that paper was smearing off all over her fingers. Save yourself from the trouble of having to scrub cheap ink off of your hands and visit here. This site allows you to choose pics as answers to questions such as, "What is your idea of fun?" Go ahead... check it out... no wrinkly skin required.


A Message From The Man

To smoke, or not to smoke...

So have you heard this? Smoking can actually improve your mental capabilities...or so researchers believe. Some test have shown that nicotine has improved mental awarness in alzheimers patients. You can read more about it here.
Why was smoking so frowned upon again? Oh that's right the whole cancer thing...well if you can't remember names or faces you might as well light up some stogies.

Hold on to your knickers lads!

Some big time hits in the sport of rugby. Keep in mind that these gents wear no equipment...not even in the nether regions!